The River Wandle winds through the London Borough of Sutton, its valley dotted with green spaces which provide both habitat for wildlife and leisure opportunities for residents and visitors. The Wandle Trail – a cycling and walking path, allows access to the river and some interesting historic sites along the way.
The landscape of Wandle Valley in Sutton was, as recently as the 1800s, rural with just a few watermills and villages but by the 20th century it became a built-up area, now restored in places to its former natural beauty.
In Poulter Park, pass by a beautiful man-made waterfall and see the sad remains of Bishopsford House, a Victorian Gothic mansion gutted by fire in 2001. Watercress Meadows are, as the name suggests, the site of the Sutton watercress industry which went into decline by the 1930s, partly as a result of a typhoid outbreak in Croydon.
In Beddington Park, the wonderful terracotta Canon Bridges’ Bridge, crosses the Wandle near Carew Manor’s 18th century octagonal brick dovecote.
Beddington Mill was variously a snuff mill and a flour mill with bakery.
Beddington North
SM6 8JEBeddington Park - Guy Road Recreation Ground
Croydon Road/Church Road/London Road,Beddington