Culvers Lodge, Hackbridge, is a Victorian lodge house dating from about 1875, which was attached to the once extensive Culvers Estate. After the demolition of ‘The Culvers’ in 1960 the Lodge was used as a private residence for many years but today it stands empty, hidden from view and is falling into disrepair. Now owned by the local authority it was locally listed by the council in October 2014 following strong evidence about its heritage prepared by the locally community.
Having secured a small HLF grant WVRPT are looking at options for the building that will add to the neighbourhood and have a well thought through business plan that will ensure continued sustainable use and offer local residents and the wider community a valuable heritage and community asset.
If you have any ideas on what Culvers Lodge could be used for please LET US KNOW, have your say and hear what others are saying
Come to our consultation drop-in Thursday 17th March between 5p.m and 8.30 p.m. at All Saints Church centre, Hackbridge CR4 4JL
Or send through your thoughts via
Twitter #CulversLodge @wandlevalley
Facebook ‘Save Culvers Lodge