Developer First Base has partnered with The Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust to create a unique new map for local residents and visitors to explore the Wandle River and Trail.
First Base commissioned designers to create the map in response to requests from local residents keen to enjoy the River Wandle and Trail on their doorsteps. The new map shows the Wandle Trail route with hints and tips on how best to enjoy the 15 miles of “largely uninterrupted heritage, flora and fauna”.
The interactive map is available from the Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust office in Morden Hall Park, and to download via their website and via the First Base website.
Download the Map
Olaide Oboh, Head of Communications and External Relations for First Base said, “We are pleased to partner up with The Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust to provide a useful guide to exploring the wonderful Wandle River and Trail. We hope that many more people will take the time to enjoy this and to take advantage of this asset”.
Sue Morgan, Chief Executive of The Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust said: “It has been a great experience working in partnership with First Base and the the resulting Wandle Trail map will be a wonderful asset for the local community and new visitors, to discover the heritage that the Trail and the emerging Regional Park can offer. Working with First Base on this project and their support of the Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust as a fledgling charity has really demonstrated the value of private and third sector partnerships.’’
First Base has submitted plans to Merton Council to transform the Haslemere Industrial Estate into a mixed use neighborhood with homes, workspace and a new pocket park to new enjoyed by all.