We’re passionate about the Wandle Valley and urgently need funding to ensure that our vision becomes a reality.

The Wandle was once a catalyst for industry and urban expansion. Today we must ensure it survives as a green lung for our communities. Keeping the Wandle healthy and protecting its flora and fauna requires constant hard work. The people who do this are mostly volunteers and need your help to keep going!

  • Donate

    Your donation will be put where it is most needed, to improve the river Wandle, trail and parks, or to support other projects to enhance the Regional Park. Even a small sum can make a difference.

    One-off donation

    You can make a one-off donation or contribute to an ongoing appeal

    Where your money goes

    £10            Could provide travel costs for 3 volunteers for a day

    £20            Could buy a tree to plant in one of the many community gardens or parks

    £50            Could help pay for an interpretation board in a park


    Donate directly to a project appeal

    You can donate via our BT Giving page – GIFT AID LINK TO COME

    Or by cheque (made payable to Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust)

    Please send your donation to:

    Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust
    The Old Bookshop
    Morden Hall Park
    SM4 5JD

    Our promise

    We promise never to sell or swap your details with any other organisation. But we’d love to keep in touch to tell you about our work and the impact of your donation. Please let us know if you’d rather we didn’t contact you again.

    Donate £5.00 and we will send you a Wandle Valley ‘bag for life’

  • Sponsorship

    Giving can be through sponsorship. If you want to raise money through events, fun runs, cake sales, or putting on receptions or dinners, then do it for the Wandle!

    We are always looking for media sponsors and supporters for print medium.

    For more advice please get in touch with – info@wandlevalleypark.co.uk

  • Legacy

    Leave a lasting legacy to the Wandle Valley Regional Park in your will

    Enhancing and caring for the Wandle Valley is a huge responsibility and we need help. By leaving a gift to Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust in your will you can help to enhance and protect the river, trail and parks for generations to come.

    Many think that only the very rich leave money to charity when they die, or that they have to exclude loved ones from their will. This isn’t the case. The reality is however big or small your gift, you can make a lasting difference to the Wandle Valley and the people who visit every year.

    Why is it important to make a will?

    Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. If you don’t make one, part or all of your estate may go to people who you never intended to benefit, or be tied up with solicitors until things get sorted. Also, if you don’t prepare properly, a substantial part of what you leave behind may go to the State, depriving your loved ones and favourite charities of the benefit of your assets.

    How to go about making a will…

    Writing a will is relatively easy and inexpensive, but should always be drafted by a properly qualified professional. If you do not have a solicitor you can find one through The Law Society.

    There are three main types of legacy to consider


    • Residuary legacy: Part, or all, of your estate (after debts, funeral costs and pecuniary gifts are paid)
    • Pecuniary legacy: A specific sum, which can be index-linked to safeguard its future value
    • Specific legacy: A particular item to be used or sold by the beneficiary

    To find out more about how to give to Wandle Valley Regional Park in your will please contact info@wandlevalleypark.co.uk.

    We’d be delighted to show you the likely impact of your gift.