Take part in a group walk followed by tea
Join this great group for a walk and a chance to meet friendly local people.
Routes vary but the meeting point is always the same.
Refreshments available at church after walk. Voluntary contribution to church funds. Tour of church possible.
Don’t worry if you think that you are not very fit and walk slowly. We usually have a few walk leaders there and the group spreads out and participants can walk at a pace that is comfortable for them.
These group walks are free to attend.
If you have any questions please get in touch with us on info@wandlevalleypark.co.uk
Your main walk leader: Melanie

Melanie has been leading walks for over 10 years. She not only leads the Friday walk but also organises various other walks, so if you are interested ask her about it!  The walks are on the Sutton and Wandle Valley Ramblers’ website so have a look there as well.
Every Friday 10AM - 11AM
Meeting in front of St Mary's Church
Church Road, Beddington Park
Wallington, SM6 7NJ
Buses 407 from Sutton, 463 from Mitcham.