Watercress Beds Carshalton

TREASURE DESCRIPTION: A clear photograph showing the sectioned watercress bed remains. Watercress and also many herbs, and lavender were grown in abundance in the vicinity of the River Wandle.

CARSHALTON – An interesting name and possible origin is ‘CRESS AULTON’, for watercress growing in the spring. We know that there were a number of watercress beds in the Carshalton, Beddington, Hackbridge areas. The old 1910 Ordnance Survey map of Carshalton and North Waddington show beds in ‘The Grove Park’ lying at the far end of the park adjacent to Mill Lane. No evidence of the beds remains but the photograph above actually shows remains in situ, albeit a completely different area within the park.

These treasures were made as part of The Building Exploratory, Wandle Treasures project. This project was part of the wider Living Wandle Landscape Partnership Scheme, funded by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund.


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