Watercress Beds Beddington

TREASURE DESCRIPTION: Only by the photograph can we appreciate how the Watercress Fields looked. The sites remain obviously close to the River Wandle but no longer produce watercress. The photograph showing Mizens Beds gives a very clear view of how the beds were divided by concrete.

Even though we cannot see the Watercress Beds the importance of being mentioned cannot be emphasised enough. The Market Gardens Bridgers owned 4 ½ acres of land which Richmond Green now occupies. A variety of foodstuffs were grown and one acre was solely used for the production of watercress. Throughout the area of Carshalton, Beddington and Hackbridge approximately 9 sites grew watercress and until a typhoid outbreak occurred, which later proved to be in no way a danger to the beds, but sadly still proved a disaster to the continued sales of watercress. Hence by the 1950s, production all but disappeared.

These treasures were made as part of The Building Exploratory, Wandle Treasures project. This project was part of the wider Living Wandle Landscape Partnership Scheme, funded by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund.


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