After months of dedicated script writing, costume design, production and performance by over 70 people along the Wandle, support from local businesses, and coordination provided by Wheelhouse Productions and Groundwork London, the beautiful film ‘Vandalis’ was born. Premiered in September 2014 this film includes 5 stories through time, each connected by the river. Including characters such as Nelson, lady Hamilton, Arthur Liberty and William Morris, this story is a wonderful introduction to the Wandle’s past (if not with a healthy dose of artistic licence!).

The acting, script, costume design and music was created by volunteers.

The Living Wandle team are happy to lend the DVD for free, or it is available to buy from Wheel House Productions for £5 here.

This film was made through the Groundwork London, Reflecting the Wandle project. The project was part of the wider Living Wandle Landscape Partnership Scheme, funded by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund.
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