Wandle Vistas
Within the Wandle Valley there are many places from which to appreciate wonderful long views – or ‘vistas’ that can connect us with the wider landscape of which we are a part. This is one of ten particular views and viewpoints which contribute to both the sense of place and the story of the Wandle Valley.
From downland to delta, common to car park, heathland to historic landscape, or more contemporary urban settings, vistas offer significant, long views which include many distinctive local and wider London landmarks and features. All are free to access, within easy reach of public transport and several are close to recreational walking routes.
The full guide and further infotmation can be found on the Wandle Vistas page. Explore the Wandle Vistas for yourself…
Consultants: Untitled Practice & Fiona Fyfe Associates.
Design: Studio April
On behalf of the HLF Living Wandle Landscape Partnership.